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Five channel video- and soundinstallation

Horizon shows five projections of people performing everyday activities. The videos were shot simultaneously, but in different spaces, countries, and time zones. Apart from me, the other people are friends of mine who do not know each other. This constellation creates a web of relationships that remains open: an expandable field of research situated between social and geographical proximity.
To enable synchronicity for the video shoot, each person received a digital clock in the mail that was set to the same time, taking into account the time difference. In the final scene, the alarm clocks ring, evoking a “real” contact of the recordings as the individual sound sources transform into a soundscape. Each video stops after the alarm clocks are turned off.

The video and sound installation is accompanied by an artist’s book, consisting of a leporello and a 7” vinyl record, on which an excerpt of the five simultaneously running sound sources can be heard.

Exhibition view

Morocco, video still

Japan, video still

Exhibition view

Exhibition view

HORIZON, Artist book and 7" vinyl, edition of 20

HORIZON, Artist book and 7" vinyl, edition of 20

Pinpoints, Pencil and pin on paper, 70 x 50cm, 2017

Exhibition view

Exhibition view

Morocco, video still

Japan, video still

Exhibition view

Exhibition view

HORIZON, Artist book and 7" vinyl, edition of 20

HORIZON, Artist book and 7" vinyl, edition of 20

Pinpoints, Pencil and pin on paper, 70 x 50cm, 2017

Exhibition view



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